Do plants like music?

I worder it’s true that if you sing to the plants they grow better,

it if were true i would sing every day to a bean plant or he would play the piano, do plants like to the piano?

sure is if i play the piano well grow strong and their fruits will be sweet, but if play the piano wrong  the fruits will come out bitter, i prefer not to risk. And what would happen to sing my misfortunes to a coffee plant? would it be more bitter?

A bitter more coffee, That would be a good business?

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One thought on “Do plants like music?

  1. Alexandr,
    Many people are interested in these questions! Scientists have studied music and plants. Plants do grow better when someone sings to them. But do people who sing to their plants also take better care of their plants in other ways? For example, do they give them more water or fertilizer? We do not know. Music has effects on many things, such as animals. Watch this video! Why does this happen?

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